I've been reading In The Spirit of The Studio: Learning From The Atelier Of Reggio Emilia (a fantastic Reggio book) and art is on my mind. This week I've refreshed our art area and introduced an awesome easel. Otto is almost three so I feel the need to add some more interesting elements especially in the area of mark making. So I've sought the perspective of other Montessori parents and teachers. Here are a few Montessori art shelves I've found interesting in homes and schools. This is in the home of a 4 and a 11 year old. They have... Read more →
Earlier in the year I featured our little toddler snack area but I didn't show the whole kitchen. Today I want to share all the areas of our kitchen that our toddler uses. Above is our toddler/children's fridge, drink station and baking table. I want you to know that all Montessori homes look different. Do what works for you, I hope you find some ideas here. The key areas for me include access to fresh and healthy food, water, and, practical life tools like food prep tools and cleaning tools. The two main themes are independence and safety. Otto's weaning... Read more →
Nature journaling with a toddler? Is it possible? It is possible and it can be a lot of fun too! It's nice to make a few observations while out in nature especially if we visit the same spot regularly. We can make observations about the big things like the wind or the raging waves, or about the small things like a tiny crab claw found in the rockpool. Here are three ways we enjoy nature journaling with our two year old. Mark Marking/Drawing We take a journal or notepad and some pencils for mark making and free drawing. I don't... Read more →
In today's society, we are inundated with 'fast' toys. Fast toys are so prevalent in mass-market retailers it's easy to forget that we have other options. Fast toys are busy toys that are often cheaply made and of poor quality. They do a lot and may even hold the child's attention but for a short period of time. Slow toys are made from quality materials, may be handmade, they do very little but require the child to use their skills and imagination to use them and they are made to last. Tumi Ishi definitely fall into the slow toys category.... Read more →
Someone needs to write a Montessori/Ikea blog as it feels like you can almost create an entire Montessori home using products from Ikea! I recently visited Ikea and found so many new and interesting children's products. Here are a few that I love for a Montessori home. MÅLA Portable Drawing Case - This is new at our Ikea store this week and I love it. It's suitable for my toddler and for my older children. It comes empty but it is a great travel case for paper and pencils and other craft materials. It's good for taking around the house,... Read more →
I recently presented Otto with his first sand tray! He isn't interested in phonics or letter recognition but he loves drawing and mark making. A sand tray is a wonderful way to encourage and develop pre-writing skills. The child can draw a picture and then shake the tray to start over again, it's fun and economical. Like finger painting, this is a good way to encourage mark making without the child having to use a tool. Sand is tactile and feels wonderful. I suggest using a fine, dry sand. Here we've used fine salt that I've coloured. I love to... Read more →
What are the best scissors for Montessori toddlers? I'd love to know your thoughts. Why specifically for Montessori toddlers? In Montessori environments, toddlers are often taught to use real scissors to cut paper strips. In many mainstream environments this may not occur until preschool age and even then some children are taught to cut soft things like play-dough first. In Montessori we also like our children to use real materials so small sharp scissors (with a round tip) are going to be preferred over dull plastic scissors. Otto (2yrs 10months) and I recently tested ten scissors that claim to be... Read more →
Has your toddler started to draw people? A few months ago Otto started to draw circles, then he started to draw circles within circles and then he started to draw faces with two eyes and a mouth. On Sunday night (at two years, 10 months) he started to draw people with legs and arms. I had been patiently waiting for the moment to happen and it did not disappoint. He has been drawing these 'tadpole' (or potato people) ever since, and lots of them. They are adorable! Here are a few notes that I've made about this stage from Children... Read more →
Over the weekend we put a new arm-chair into Otto's room so I had to move things around to make it fit. I also put back in a little table and chair for Otto to work at. Otto is growing so fast I thought it was a good time to document this space. Want to see more of his room? This layout is similar to his room in the UK. Low shelves, wardrobe, bed, and a table. The idea is always the same, to create a child-centred space that is warm, comfortable, and cozy. A stool so that he can... Read more →
Over the weekend I gave Otto's toddler bedroom a little refresh. It reminded me how we are constantly changing and adapting the environment to suit the child. Here are a few Montessori bedrooms that I'm loving right now. A toddler bedroom from Buenos Aires. This just feels so bright and airy. The furniture design is lovely! This room inspired me to put a little table and chair back into Otto's room. This is from an eco-minded family. But this clean child-friendly design would also work well for Montessori families. Another reminder that (depending on your climate) a mattress on the... Read more →
Have you ever sought professional advice for a reading list for your children? Perhaps your children are happy finding and exploring books on their own? Teachers and librarians can be really helpful in finding good books for your children, especially if they know your children well. While Otis (9yrs) reads he isn't really 'in love' with reading. I want to help him find books he is enthralled by, that captivate him and totally draw him in. I was also looking for a book list, not just one book idea, or the next book to read. The school holidays seems like... Read more →
Etsy is a constant source of delightful handmade goodness. Here are a few things that I've been loving and buying on Etsy. Book Lovers Shirt: It's a Good Day to Read a Book - it's always a good day for a book, love this tee. Wooden House Box for Books - this is super sweet and would be a cute little book box for a small corner in bedroom or for the child to carry around the house. The Tiny Doctor's Anatomy Flashcards for Kids - I have these for Otis, my nine-year old. They area clear and precise, useful... Read more →
Do you have a child that needs to throw? I find having at least one throwing activity out essential during inside or 'stay at home days'. The last couple of days here have been very stormy, with hazardous winds so outside play has been limited. Bean bags are an obvious choice for throwing. We like to use bean bags for: throwing in or to a target such as in hoops or in buckets, or even a circle drawn with chalk onto the driveway outside. throwing at a vertical target such as a spot on the wall, marked out with painters... Read more →
Want to take a peek into a really beautiful, colourful and vibrant children's art studio? Before the COVID restrictions came into place Otto and I loved attending the process art toddler class at the Little Ginger Studio in Sydney (Randwick). All of these pictures were taken in March (2023), a week before the studio closed due to COVID. The studio has now reopened but they are only running drop off classes (no parents allowed) for children over the age of three. You can see all of their classes listed here. Danielle Falk is the founder of Little Ginger Studio. Danielle... Read more →
Image Credit: The Post Oak School I hope you've had a good weekend. My children are on school holidays so even though it's Sunday night we are all still very relaxed. Here are a few links and things that I've been enjoying this week. 10 Ideas for Setting up a Montessori Space at Home for Your Toddler at The Post Oak School. This is a really good article, the images they've used are perfect! "Setting up a Montessori-inspired play space can be simple, without the need to buy anything! A Montessori environment is designed to encourage independence and concentration." How... Read more →